Solar PV Systems for Businesses

Solar PV systems are photovoltaic systems capable of converting light energy into usable electricity from homes and businesses. In recent years we have seen very changeable energy prices, with thousands of businesses switching to renewable energy and in particular solar in order to produce their own electricity. On average, in recent years, energy costs have represented roughly 32% of all business costs, a significant amount and with businesses looking to reduce costs and improve their green credentials solar PV systems are often the best solution owing to the speed at which it can be installed, relatively low cost and almost instant results (weather dependant). 

As an MCS accredited installer whose installers have years of experience in commercial and domestic solar PV installs we’re here to assist businesses transition towards low carbon technologies, offering design, installation and support services. Our consultation and quotation process helps uncover just how much businesses can save with a solar PV system and our design process helps visualise how it can integrate with your existing energy supply. 

Funding & Grants

For commercial installations there are often various forms of funding available often through local authority schemes. It is worth checking with your local authority to see if there are any grants available for green funding. 

Most commercial energy suppliers will offer an export tariff of some amount however the amounts vary greatly and will more than likely require a smart meter. In terms of finance we are able to offer a range of packages to facilitate your transition to renewable technologies. 


Solar panels convert light into electrical energy, the panels themselves are made up of cells constructed of layers of semi conducting material such as silicone. These materials are good absorbs of the suns energy, when light shines onto the cells they produce a DC (direct current) electrical current which can be converted to AC (alternating current) to be used in homes. Contrary to popular believe panels do not require full sunlight in order to work, solar panels also work in over case conditions and in low light.
Over the years solar technology has increased greatly, early panels produced approximately 100 watts per panel, in 2023 most panels produce at least 400 watts with some over 500 watts which greatly reduces the amount of panels required to create a highly productive PV system. Technology on the inverter side has also improved, the inverter is used to convert the DC power produced by the panels to AC where it can be used in homes, these inverters can now handle greater amounts of DC power and are now more efficient at converting that power. One thing business can benefit greatly from is scale with many businesses having larger power supplies and more roof space than domestic properties meaning we can install more panels often at more competitive rates by purchasing a greater number of panels.



From your initial enquiry we will carry out a consolation or site survey to determine what you want or need from a solar PV system. From there we can produce a proposal along with a detailed breakdown of what your system will provide for you and how it should work including carbon savings and any savings on energy bills.


If you wish to proceed with an install we then get to work on all the admin, the applications to the DNO and any further design work required, commercial projects often require more detail to the DNO in order for connection to be granted, usually due to larger arrays and greater export limits, particularly on weekends when businesses are closed. Then the scaffold goes up ready for install.


Installation length depends on the project size, smaller scale installations typically take 2 to 3 days to complete, with large scale installations ranging from 1 to 4 weeks depending on the complexity of the system and whether you have an integrated battery storage system. During the install we try and minimised disruption and ensure you have power for as long as possible before having to switch it off briefly to connect the system to the grid. Most installations take place 4 to 6 weeks from your order being placed.


Once complete, we test and commission the system before getting the scaffolding removed. We then produce a handover pack containing the details of the system and your MCS certificate as well as notify the DNO letting them know the system has been commissioned. After sales support includes a monitoring package which allows us to monitor the system remotely to check operation, the system also notifies us of any errors or faults that may occur.