
The Project.

This brick built home in Abbotts Leigh went through an extensive remodelling in 2020. We were tasked with designing and installing a renewable heating solution for this 300sqm home.

The customer wanted to take advantage of the domestic RHI scheme and the ever changing heat pump technology to efficiently heat their home.

With a large paddock to the rear and the space for a plant room we put forward a proposal to remove the existing oil boiler and replace it with a ground source heat pump, buffer vessel and hot water cylinder.

The Solution.

As well as designing the ground source heat pump, ground loop and plant room we needed a method efficiently heating the house. Being an older property we had to overcome this issue of poor insulation values and recommend changes to overcome this.

We designed an underfloor heating system for the ground and first floor, removing the old radiator system, insulating beneath the ground floor and installing a system using pre grooved insulated boards to take the underfloor heating tube. This means the customer can control each room as an individual zone, maximising comfort and efficiency.

The Heat Pump.

With such a large property and only a single phase electrical supply available the decision was made to leave the oil boiler in place to work only in the coldest times of the year when the capacity of the heat pump drops off due to colder ground temperatures.

To maximise the heat pumps performance 63mm header pipes were buried between the house and the 2 manifolds in the paddock, this was then connected to 1200 metres of ground loop to absorb the heat from the ground and transfer it to the house.


The value of this project was approximately £65,000 including the underfloor heating system, ground loop, hot and cold water pipework including a secondary return as well as a buffer vessel and hot water cylinder.

The expected RHI income for this home over 7 years is £32,700 and significantly lower running costs compared to the old oil boiler the system should have a payback period of 8 to 10 years.